Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh Baby

It seems that everywhere I go, or even if I'm staying put, I am surrounded by babies and toddlers.

At work, a little girl came into the fitting room with her mom and ended up sitting on the couch "helping" me fold and put clothes on hangers.  Today, a little boy crawled all the way across our huge dressing room and sat at my feet gazing up at me.  There was also the little girl in her galoshes who came over to me and offered her ladybug umbrella. Oh, and did I mention the woman with the three wild little boys who gathered around the register and behaved when I started talking with them as I rang up the order?  I divided the items into three different bags so they could each help their mom by carrying one.

When I came home, I took the dog for a walk and we ran into a little boy and little girl who were with their mom and Grandma.  They were jumping in the overflowing Charles River and were overjoyed when the dog joined in the fun.  they wanted me to jump to, but, alas, no galoshes.

The Universe is trying to tell me something and refuses to let up on my calling to work with children, by gosh.

Also, I'll admit it, its giving me a teensy weensy touch of baby fever.

Oh, baby...


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