Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hot, Hot, Hot - Snippets

It's hot.  Really hot.  Maybe even hotter than last week in Bermuda, but in Bermuda there was the ocean to dip into.  Anyhow, it is hot.

Strawberry ice cream, frozen fruit, central air, cold showers...  All work well for a quick cool down.


In the 95 degree heat, I can't bring myself to run. It is even too hot by 7 a.m. and still too hot at 7 p.m.  Sure, I take quick walks around the block with the pup a few times a day, but it is just not the same. 

I've always been a summer person, but I find myself really looking forward to the fall.


Had an interview and got a new job this morning to add to my current part-time job.  It is a job with a local business that I really believe in.  Training on Friday and start next Tuesday.


This afternoon was spent with a friend and her baby girl.  Mmmmmm.... babies.  Mmmmmm.... girl talk.  

Dare I say, better than strawberry ice cream :-)


“Learning without thought is labor lost; and thought without learning is perilous.” - Confucious