Saturday, April 4, 2015

One Down. Many to come.

On Wednesday I completed a first draft of a short story I haven't done this in at least 4 years. When Abigail was born life shifted in so many wonderful ways, but now she is 4 and Benjamin is 17 months and things are beginning to shift back towards me a bit. Self care is beginning to happen again. I am grateful.
With one story finished another has begun. I am even thinking there is an anthology of related stories here. That is what my heart, body, and characters seem to be telling me. I am making writing a daily practice again. Does that make me a writer? I think so.


  1. Hi! I am stopping over from the April Love group, trying to visit as many blogs as I can. Love that you can get back into writing as a self-care! I have a few stories that I wrote as a teenager. Happy day to you.

  2. loved this 2015reading challenge and instantly thought of you

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  4. I know this is an older post, but to answer the concluding question....I agree. Yes, yes it does make you a writer!

    I'm so in love with short fiction. It's 99% of what I've been reading and writing for the last couple of years. My blog has suffered, but that's okay. Would much rather craft some stories worthy of publication than exhaust myself with the old habit of blogging (as much as I enjoyed it for years).

    Keep writing -- in any form! :) Happy to have met you.

    1. Hi, Ruth! Thanks so much for stopping by! I haven't blogged in so long, but I dropped a little note here tonight and found your comment. I am happy to have met you too and am for sure without caveats referring to myself as a writer these days and feeling really comfortable with that :-) I love your beautiful blog! I'll be checking in to se if you drop a little something there now and then :-) Be well!


“Learning without thought is labor lost; and thought without learning is perilous.” - Confucious