Thursday, June 17, 2010


I turned 29 on the 15th,  Another year gone by.  A year filled with so much growth.  For the first year in a very long time, maybe ever, I truly look back and see and feel a wonderful change, a transformation that is still in the process of occurring...we're all works in progress.

The past year was all about inner, emotional growth and overcoming the past.

Feeling more self aware and more stable in myself, I feel prepared to take action this year, to come outside of myself and show the world what I have to offer.

Lists help me to stay on the right track. So,...

30 Things to Do Before I am 30:
See one book length writing project through to completion

Get Relay Mail out of my mind and into the world  (DONE! 7/8/10)

Plant seeds in edging around backyard parking

Begin a paper journal again

Do one painting a month

Rent a table at a craft fair and sell some of the beautiful things I have made

Run a road race of any length (DONE! 10K on 7/4/10)

Volunteer at local food pantry or get involved with St. Ann Society

Take road trip (maybe to the Outer Banks?)

Contact Mrs. DeLorenzo and/or Ms. Pepin and/or Miss. Sullivan.  Teachers who changed me.

Watch AFI's Top 10 titles (just need to see Citizen Kane and Casablanca)

Audition for local play

Be an extra in a movie or commercial

Weekend Getaway by myself

Send short piece of writing to magazines to be considered for publication

Well, that is 15 of 30.... a start.


  1. Belated Happy Birthday! Start with the easy quick stuff on your list and work your way up to the harder bigger stuff. Well done on even making a list..

  2. Happy birthday! I envy your ambition. I need a list.

  3. I'm loving your list! All very acheivable things that you can easily do. The best part of making a list is then to draw a line through the completed items. It is so gratifing. I can't wait to see the strike through the list item and read how it went for you!


“Learning without thought is labor lost; and thought without learning is perilous.” - Confucious